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photoshop tennis txo!?   Have you got a computer at home? A connection to internet? A programme for altering images? If you’ve answered yes to all the questions, well then you’re in luck. You can now play a new game called Photoshop Tennis. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a player, you’ll be blown away by the spectacle all the same. Each player in this whacky game answers the other player by adding a layer to the image sent, and in the process completes it, wrecks it or provokes the sender at the same time.
To be honest, I don’t know a whole lot about tennis, well, I can cop the to and froing of the image bit... maybe they should call it Photoshop Combat... or dance. I mean, your opponent isn’t always overtly aggressive. They don’t take the game as a fight. Sometimes they even mix images and create something quite artful. Sniff, how touching!
This Photoshop Tennis lark is more than just visual exercise according to some. They regard it as a shop window for their design skills in a highly competitive market (it’s a jungle out there men!). I personally think that most people get involved to enjoy themselves, people watch and play the games because they’re fun. They design for the sake of designing. There are no customers or orders. Everyone does what they fell like doing.
There are no set rules and there is no set end to the game. Two players can stipulate the amount of images to be used before they start and you can surrender or just give up if get bored. Many times it’s the people’s votes that decide who the winner is. It’s fascinating to observe the different ways each player chooses to express their concept of the game. So says one of the probable creators of the game, Jim Coudal. You can find some of the most spectacular games at their web site.
The new game has a couple of advantageous characteristics; on the one hand, once you have a computer you don’t need incredible technology, any special plug-ins or a broad band connection to internet. On the other, seeing that it’s imagery that’s involved and not language, anybody in the whole wide world can play no matter what tongue they speak.
Hum... flaked out and bored at home? Don’t be lazy. Grab a piece of paper and a couple of pencils and start playing paper tennis. Otherwise get along to The Balde at info@thebalde.net, grab any picture you like or despise and fiddle around with it. Match-ball!

There’s nothing complicated about this at all, any player prepares any old image and gets ready to serve, hard and straight, or softly and to the side, there are no white-line bounds here, but you’ll have to surprise and shock your opponent, freeze their hand and slow down their brain, because their shot will come straight back at you, the other player’s gonna mickey around with your image and who knows what way the game will swing.
