typex hernán ordoñez

According to UNESCO, any publication which is not periodical and has more than 49 pages is called a book. If it is shorter, it's called an opuscule or pamphlet and, if there is more than one volume, a work.
This is an exact definition, of course, and there is also a geometrical definition: a book is also called a polyhedron. A polyhedron is a finite physical space with dimensions of height, width and depth. A three-dimensional euclidean space.
And nowadays it's very popular to project 3D simulations onto two-dimensional surfaces. But I want to suggest the opposite route. A 3D object, a polyhedron, a book with two-dimensional illustrations ... Have a look and you'll see that there are 3D graphic illustrations too. But to find them you'll have to read (look at) Typex.